I was sitting here, typing up some terribly important opinion about having hardwood floors on ScrapShare, when Ashlie came running toward me at full speed. Only she didn't make it all the way into the family room. Instead, she ran straight up the glass-paned french door!! I thought, "WHAT THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER???", and, grabbing my camera, took the scenic route through the hallway, arriving in the front room a safe distance from where the commotion was taking place.
(side note. My camera just timed out and turned itself off, and the buzz from that made me jump out of my skin. Good thing I don't need to pee.)
Ashlie was still throwing herself against the panes, trying in vain to be SpiderCat. She stopped, looked at me, and begged, "meeeeeeeeYOOOOOOOOW." Then she tossed her head in the direction of The Mouse. I swear. The cat and I were speaking a language. I followed her cues, and looked up. And lo and behold, what did appear before my eyes but a FREAKIN' mouse ON TOP OF MY DOOR FRAME!!
(side note. A piece of hair just fell down from my claw clippy thing, brushing against the back of my neck. I swatted the CRAP out of my head, just in case it was the mouse attacking me from behind. And now I DO have to pee.)
Ever ready with my camera ('cuz I had just been uploading photos from today's birthday party), I grabbed a chair, hoisted myself up onto it and snapped a photo. Dang if that wasn't the cutest mouse I ever saw! PRECIOUS. In fact, so cute that I wondered, "Ok. That's a CHRISTMAS decoration, and I'm being PUNKD!" Thank goodness I still had pants on; often, at this time of night, I've already stripped down to my skivvies.
I didn't have to wonder for long, though. As soon as he twitched his little ear, I knew he was real. Ashlie lurched. I hopped down from my chair and moved it closer to the door, and invited Ashlie to climb up on it, which she did with gusto. The mouse didn't move a muscle. I stood and watched the game for several minutes.... Mouse Statue and Cat on Speed. Hilarious!
Do mice climb walls?
Dang. What a life. A dentist appointment AND a mouse. All in the same day. Am I lucky or WHAT!
wow was that a heck of a night my mom would have been yelling all across the house telling me to kill it lol well we miss u guys all so much. brianna misses the boys alot. but she is hopeing to see them at x-mas well we love u
Girl, remember my picture on SS when dd and I had the mouse in the dining room????? You are one brave soul to climb up in that chair so close. You really, really, really are my "HERO" now (hee hee) I'm sorry, but he doesn't resemble "cuteeeeee" to me! LOLROF The main question is..... Is he still in the house???????? YIKES!
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