Friday, April 28, 2006

being real

the good:
I can't hide my feelings; what you see is what you get.
I'm fun. (Right, Cara? I'm fun. Right?)
I'm blessed with talent, and I credit it to God.
I love deeply and fiercely.
I dream big.
I have a happy heart.
I follow through. eventually.
People feel at home in my home.
I know how to say I'm sorry.

the bad:
I can't hide my feelings; what you see is what you get.
I have to say I'm sorry a lot.
I need approval.
I need validation. (Right, Cara? I'm fun. Right?)
I'm a procrastinator.
I can be very stubborn.
I hate to do laundry and dishes.
I still haven't written my brother, and I promised the letter 3 weeks ago.
I hate to "get ready", so I usually don't unless I'm going somewhere special. (Wait. Maybe that goes under "the ugly".)

the ugly:
I like me some good gossip.
I'm morbidly obese.
I promised Darren I'd start coming to bed at a reasonable hour, but I haven't kept it.
I get snappy and cranky with my kids when they don't deserve it.
When I'm hurting, I flee. I hide. I withdraw.
Because I can't hide my feelings; what you see is what you get.


IStandAmazed said...

Stacy, I like you just the way you are.

Menjiness said...

Seems to me like you are a very real person. I love ya just the way you are (do you hear the sappy music?) One day I hope to grow up and be like you :)

Desiree :)