Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Month of Thanks

My cyberfriend Sherry issued a challenge for the month of November, and I'm IN, baby!

I have so much to be thankful for. Today, I'm especially thankful that even though I've been unable to work out aerobically for the last 7 weeks, I've managed to lose weight! I slipped into a new size of jeans today - one I've never worn! When I got pregnant with Dani, I was a 12-14. After nine months, I'd gained 40 pounds and was only wearing stretched out elastic stuff. I continued to gain weight after the pregnancy, and when I finally bought my first pair of post-baby jeans, they were 20s.

Today, I wore a pair of 16s.

There's no reason that *I* should be credited with the continued weight loss. About two weeks ago, I re-invited God to be a part of this journey with me. I'd let myself become complacent about my healthy eating, and hadn't made an effort to work out at all. When I relinquished control and stopped feeling sorry for myself, I actually FELT like working out, and got pretty creative about going about it. I got serious about eating right again. And I lost weight. And a pants size.

All because God is in control. I'm thankful that He's real, and that He doesn't hesitate to prove it to me over and over again!

Give thanks to God—he is good and his love never quits.
I Chronicles 16:34 (The Message)


Sherry said...

Stacy - great post! I am glad you are in and as usual, you have encouraged me. Thanks for keeping it real! look awesome in the pic, by the way!

Karen Kroner said...

I told you that you were half the person I once knew!!!! And I only saw you in that go go machine you drive so crazy around.. hey I was swamped this past week.. let's do something this week.. before Friday as we are heading to Chicago..

Meg said...

Wow girl you look F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S!

Can you hear LL Cool J singin'?

Stacy's got a tiny butt - OH YEAH!
Stacy's got a tiny butt!

Traci said...

I love this post. And you are so right. I can testify to the importance of the Lord in every little endeavor, including weightloss. I've tried it without Him. I've DONE it with Him.

Bobbie said...

Stacy you look great!